Having first appeared in our bifidus yoghurts, probiotics are now invading cosmetics. But what are they, and what are their benefits?


Microbiota and microbiome

To begin with, it's important to know that 90% of our bodies are made up of bacteria, some of which are harmful and others beneficial. The microbiota is the microbial flora made up of over 100,000 billion micro-organisms, including bacteria, fungi, yeasts and viruses. Forming a veritable protective barrier against external aggression, inflammation and infection, the microbiota lives in the microbiome, the environment inside and on top of the human body. A balanced microbiome often translates into healthy, glowing skin that regenerates better. When it's damaged, skin becomes dry, sensitive or blemished.


The benefits of probiotics

Probiotics are living microscopic organisms (yeasts, ferments, bacteria...) considered to be good bacteria, because they take care of our microbiome. Used in cosmetics, they help rebalance the skin's flora. The skin microbiome may be unstable, but it is easy to influence. Pre- or probiotics nourish the good bacteria naturally present in the skin.


Other steps to protect your skin's good bacteria

  • Avoid overly astringent cleansers.
  • Avoid using cleansers in the morning to preserve the flora reconstituted during the night.
  • Choose products with few preservatives, and oil-free products.
  • Opt for lukewarm water rather than very hot water, which disturbs skin flora.
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